Do not expect honesty and purity of intention from someone who has suffered from your malice; do not expect loyalty from one to whom you have been disloyal; do not expect goodwill from someone whom you regard with ill-will: his heart towards you is the same as your heart towards him.
Imam Naqi (A)
Excerpt from 'The Life of Imam 'Ali al-Hadi, Study and Analysis':
‘Ali al-Hadi (a.s.) was born in Siriya in Yathrib (Medina) and by this birth the world was delighted. No one had ever been born in that age more pious, more devoted, or more knowledgeable than him. He inherited all qualities of good, honor, and nobility.
Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) performed the special rituals for his blessed newborn son. He performed Azan in his right ear and Iqama in the left, circumcised him on the seventh day after the birth, cut the hair of his head, gave silver, as much as the weight of the hair, to the poor, and slaughtered a ram as aqiqa, as it was the norm for the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) to do with their children when they were born.